Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Why I dont like my house. Reason number 1.

Yesterday it snowed. It is January and its to be expected, even in these days of "global warming". And what did my boiler do last night? Pack up and DIE. We have gas central heating and a gas fire. Ok, so we have the fire. Oh no we dont - the chimney isnt safe and awaits the new fire and some structural repairs that we cant afford. So we are cold. VERY cold.
Never mind, there is an immersion switch on the water tank in the airing cupboard so at least we will have hot water. Nope - its gone native and joined the Boiler Party and wont work either.
Cue cold evening spent boiling kettles for hot water.
This morning I got the immersion thing working by changing the fuse and shouting at it.
Now all we need is a spanner and a universal thermocoupler ( Scotty off Star Trek should have one) and a lot of shouting. This evening should be interesting.


  1. What a drag! Hope you got things sorted out. We had snow on Monday, but luckily it's gone now and things are warming back up a bit...xx

  2. Brrrrr....

    I got cold just reading!

    Boy, I remember those days--and I'd like to keep them as fond DISTANT memories, thanksverymuch.

    I DO have a solid kick going on--so if the furnace decides to get unruly I think I'm ready!!

    Here's to a warm Friday--I hope!

  3. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Don't worry everybody - all is cosy and warm again now thanks to some sterling work by 'Im Indoors (under supervision of course!).
    So now I can stop worrying about them all freezing to death thank goodness!

  4. :-)

    Under supervision, of course! ;-)
