Monday, September 25, 2006

26 hour day

Can someone invent one? I dont have enough time in the day to do all the stuff that the day demands I do. Its get up, drive to work, work, drive home, make vague attempt at housework, do evening type activities demanded by various bands etc, go to bed, get up, drive to work.... etc etc ad infinitum.
Then there is the weekend.
I have no idea where my time GOES but it goes somewhere. Maybe someone else is using it.


  1. Only twentySIX?
    And don't be lookin' in THIS direction--*I* certainly didn't rip off some of your time! HONEST!!


    And I was thinking I needed more like 30-34 hours in a day.
    But that'd really mess with a whole LOT of things, huh? I mean--I'd need new clocks and I'd have to figure out how to set that clock on the fancy schmancy CD player AGAIN! (once WAS enough, thanksverymuch!)

    I guess we trudge through the 24 we were given and learn a bit of gratitude for being trusted with so much responsibility?

    Ya think it'll work?!

  2. Drugs. Drugs are the answer to acquiring more time...or loosing it perhaps. I forgot. Must be the drugs..xx
