Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Happy Madron!

Maybe I should remember this is the time to forgive and let go, to release old arguments and prepare for the new season. Does this apply to the BLOODY BUILDERS AT WORK? I suspect, sadly, it DOES. So, final rant. They lie, steal, laugh and don't CARE about anything. I hate(d) them. I will have to STOP hating them now. It didn't stop me pulling the power on their little hut thing as I went home tonight. Karma owes me big time for their behaviour, and I had a little of the devil in me this evening. And THEY didnt have any lights, radio or working kettle after I had finished. :-)I managed to stop myself poking holes in the water pipe for their toilet block, but that's only because Goth Boy also uses it, and its where we get OUR water from.
I drove home with the setting sun. I have had pizza. The cats are asleep. I am going in the bath. I have cider. Time to relax. Its all uphill now - darker nights, colder weather, boots and cardi weather - hooray for me!
Peace, y'all. )O(


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Aaah! Revenge is sweet isn't it? Those builders had it coming to 'em - serve them right! I just hope they don't realise whodunnit!

  2. Hahaha builders. They are a bunch of jerks, so kharma was probably pleased with your shinanigans. I'm jealous that you actually get to see/feel the season change..hard to see it here in the's subtle, but I do miss my cardigans and stuff...
