Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Ok, so those of you who follow this will know that I am currently working in a portacabin from hell in the back of where my office USED to be, while they build a new office for us to move back into. And the date of the move keeps getting put back. And I am getting VERY cross now. Its dusty, and when I say dusty, I mean I put my sandwich down on the top of my lunchbox the other day, went out for 3 minutes, and when I came back, it was covered in DUST. Its AWFUL. The dust swirls about outside, torando like, so we have to keep the windows closed, but it gets IN somehow, and covers everything. Our new person at work (from now on known as Goth Boy - hope he doesnt read this!), can do an enviable Nephilim impression without getting the flour out, due to portacabin dust from hell. And it makes me behave cross as well. I am sure I am acting like I am having nine menopauses all at once ; I must be colleague from planet Banshee at the moment. I can't wear anything decent as it gets covered in dust and concrete and mud, and my desk is a mess of grit and I HATE THE BUILDERS. Get this : I am up a ladder in what we affectionately know as "the void" ( a hole in the ceiling where some patch panels live) , with Goth Boy clutching the ladder in the vain hope I don't fall off and blame him, and I am trying to patch electrical bits and bobs in. In combats and a hard hat and a hazard jacket. Nice look. Eventually - mission accomplished, without me breaking anything/killing myself. And later I pass one of the more moronic builders. "You were up a ladder." he says. "Mmmm." I say. " Someone move your make up mirror up the wall a bit?" says builder. ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. DEATH to them.
I want a nice new office. I want there to be no dust. I want my stuff back - my fairy lights, my fluffy animals, my crystals, my TACKY JUNK, and I DO NOT WANT DUST. And I don't want builders. Anywhere near me. Ever again.

1 comment:

  1. Man...I hope you don't end up with some dreaded lung disease from sucking that in all day! If that was in this country I could only imagine all the law suits being filed right now! Americans would be just begging for something like sick..
