Monday, January 17, 2005

Psycho Sock..Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa

It had to happen. I work quite long hours and I got home, watched Corrie (ack, Katie Harris is HORRIBLE) and then...DID HOUSEWORK. Including WASHING. On a school night no less. And a pink sock got in with the whites. I say whites. I mean 2 multi coloured (but proven to not run) duvet covers, a Ramones shirt, a Laurel and Hardy tshirt, some knickers of dubious origin and a Leeds United towel (why is that in my house at all??? Nothing against Leeds, after all I work there, but this is a football = Watford FC house). And most important of all , three pairs of white school socks that him indoors/Angus Young wears on stage. And two of the pairs of Angus footwear are now pale pink. But not the other pair. Nor the white Ramones tshirt. Nor the knickers of dubious origin. So what's going on there then? Selective clothes dyeing.
Him indoors and his truck are away so he doesn't know yet, but I have never seen Angus in a pair of pink socks. I expect I WILL though.
Moral of the story? Don't do housework. As if I need an excuse ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Thank the deities that the knickers of dubious origion were spared. Angus in delightful! Funny post. Will avoid housework now for another day...
