Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Singin' In the Rain

Yes I remember it well. Me and my mum were the STARS...the STARS I tell you... at a show at the Methodist Church Hall in Stockton Heath. We tap danced in leotards to Singin' In The Rain. We had umbrellas and everything. We used to rehearse in the garden on the paving stones. Bet next door loved that! Ah, the 70s. Surprisingly there is no pictorial evidence of this, given a camera mad father. Maybe he was too scared.
Speaking of the 70s, how come I have got so many damn remote controls for things these days! In the 70s we had NONE. Now I have 1 for the telly, 1 for the video, 1 for the dvd,1 for Sky telly (thats a bit broken and held together with gaffa tape and doesn't like doing the number 3), 1 for the hi fi, 1 for the radio in the kitchen (which is lost admittedly) , 1 for the upstairs video, 1 for the upstairs telly, and one for the damn sound card on the pc! And 2 others that I have no idea what they are FOR.
I can't even set the clock on the microwave - what chance do I have with all these THINGS??
I work in IT. I had a "stupid" day today so I therefore hate technology. No idea what I am doing posting on here either :-%

Ooooo and Heston Blumenthal has just been on the telly. He is a celebrity chef. I had no idea what he looked like, but I have heard him on the radio. I thought of him as tall and dark haired. He is a small, bald, bespectacled man.

Double 000000. 15000th episode of the Archers tonight. HOW disapointing! I was expecting drama, death, affairs...erm....slinks away quietly after outing self as an Archer's fan.....


  1. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Ah - the heady days of glamour and fame, where did they go?
    And don't bother trying to work out how to use the remote control thingies - they're not meant for women, they were designed BY men FOR men. The male sex may be useless at expressing their emotions, multi-tasking, or finding the right settings on the washing machine or steam iron - but give 'em a remote control and they're in their element! It's the only thing they can do better than us - well, except for getting the odd spider out of the bath!

  2. Well, I know what a number one is....and a number two. What the hell is a number three?

    Has Ruth left David yet? I've not heard the Archers for years, but it was heading in the direction of debauchery and the like way back when.

    It's fast becoming the "Hollyoaks" of the airwaves by all accounts.

  3. Don't look in this direction--the clock in my car hasn't been set since I bought the thing. LOL There are those things one aspires to learn and others--why bother!

    (that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!)

    BTW--I'm a huge fan of
    Singin' in the rain,
    Just singin' in the rain.....
    What a glorious feelin',
    I'm HAPPY again.


  4. Wow...I'm slow on the uptake and haven't been by in a few days..my the changes! I can dig it sista..oh yes I can..;)
