Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dark day so I will make light of it

Stuff happened today which I won't go into. So, on the frivolity side, I still have a black "Barry M" eyeshadow I bought in Kensington Market in 1989 and there is still some left and I still use it.
Me, him indoors and a mate of him indoors once got told to leave "the whole of South Kensington" by a policeman one dark night. Our crime? We had had a few and were singing a bit. Seems quite innocent these days.
I need cheering up.


  1. Uh oh...don't like hearing of dark days young missy. Hope all will be groovy again soon. I've been thrown out of clubs, but never told to leave a whole town. Good work..

  2. Cheer up, you sound as miserable as me, and that will never do.

  3. All right young missy...make us all stop worrying about you and tell us the latest...

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Hope this has been a better week for you!
