Saturday, June 26, 2004

Central Heating is Microsoft.

My central heating is still broken. Well, its half broken. Hot upstairs, cold downstairs. And I am running out of ideas. I have bled things, balanced things, tapped things with hammers and shouted at things, but the downstairs radiators will NOT get hot.
To take my mind off it, I have begun my campaign of getting away from all things Microsoft on my laptop. I use Incredimail for email and Mozilla for browsing. If I can tempt my contacts away from MSN messenger and onto something else (NOT AOL messenger - I am allergic to AOL) then I will gravitate towards that. Star office is replacing MS office. All I need to do now is get very brave and install Red Hat on here. But I am not sure how it will cope with the hardware, so I may chicken out and trial run it on some old pc and see what happens.
Aside from that, the bedroom is now fully new furnitured-up (apart from the bed - can't face bed building yet) and looking psychedelic as hell. I obviously think its 1966 or something.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Why not turn off the central heating altogether, then you can pretend it really IS 1966? We were all much tougher then in pre-radiator times!
