Thursday, October 05, 2006

Ferry annoying

We are off to Waterford. In Ireland. For friend's wedding. And we are going. NOW. Because the ferry we were due to be on got cancelled due to bad weather (it was tomorrow at 9.30am) and we have been moved to one tonight at 2am!!!!!
Arrrgh! Just had mad rush around getting stuff together and we are going no to drive to Holyhead to get on the boat. We get to Dublin at 6am!!!! And we can't check into the hotel till 3pm!!!!!!
See you hopefully on Sunday night!


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Oh - so THAT'S where you've got to, we were just about to report you as missing persons! Here's hoping the crossing is a calm one and that the pubs in Ireland open very early so you can head for the nearest one and stay there until check-in time at the hotel! (Failing that,Dad suggests the local MacDonalds - if you weren't sick crossing the Irish Sea you will be after going in there!).

  2. *chuckling at the mum*

    ONLY if she actually eats something in McDonalds!

    Here's hoping the whole of the trip isn't as upsidedown and hurried as the start of it was, eh?

    Mazel Tov to your friend on her marriage! I'll hope you have a safe journey and a chance at some adventures whilest you're journeying.
