Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Attic

Today we bought a big ladder and went in the loft. Let my clarify. We bought a big ladder. Only one of us went in the attic, and it wasnt me.
We have lived here for 6 years, and this is the first time we have been up there. Its a very old house, the loft is very high up and the hole to get in there is very small. So him indoors goes up there (in his old mechanic overalls circa mid 80s - he is very pleased to note they more or less fit) and what does he find? The water tank that is overfilling (the reason for the journey up there in the first place), some old Christmas decorations which "you wouldnt like" so they didnt make it down. But then he finds some bags and boxes of stuff that isnt ours and down it all comes. Into the bath, as its all covered in layers of black dust, and what have we found? Someone's entire life, in cards and mementos. Well not their whole life but lots of cards and some Christmas wrapping paper from the 70s, and a pink plastic rosary, some Miners make up from the early 80s ; loads of things really. I think they belonged to the people we bought the house off but I dont know where they moved to so I can't contact them, and I assume (sadly) that they either forgot this stuff or didn't want it anymore.
When I can get near my scanner I will scan in some cracking 70s Christmas cards, and an amazing Avon "points" catalogue for Avon ladies from the early 80s. Yes, I have kept anything keepable and in decent condition. More to follow.
In fact, I will post them here as there are lots of them. Here are a few to start with.


  1. Anonymous8:22 PM

    All we found in our attic was ancient newspapers and a vast amount of whisky bottles - Dad was most disappointed, especially as the said bottles were empty!

  2. Fantastic...I love unearthing stuff that doesn't belong to me. In an old house I lived in as a kid in Santa Barbara Calif, there was a 1920's car buried in the basement...the top half of the car stick out of the dirt. The parents threatened to make me go look for the origional owner when I was bad. Cruel...

  3. Ps...sorry about the scary photo that now pops up with my witty evil, irreversable joke played by my sis...hehe...
