Last Saturday night we began the trek to Benfleet (that's darrrrn sarrrf you know) to see my ma and pa. For a change, we left on Saturday tea time and drove half way ish (to Huntingdon) and then decided to stay in a Travel Lodge overnight. Oooo the decadence! So, we arrive at the Travel Lodge (having booked on line in the modern way) and were put in the disabled room as they were full up. It was very nice as it was a lot bigger than a normal room, due to wheelchair access and so on. There was almost an emergency chord/thought it was a light cord incident, and I locked us out when I went to ask for an extra pillow, but apart from that it was great.
There was a distinct lack of drink, as its attached to a service station I suppose, but there was a Little Chef. Now, Little Chef's are much maligned, but I like them. They aren't cheap but they are reliable and you can see what they are doing in the kitchen. I had a chicken on a bun kind of thing, and him indoors had a burger, sans chips. And three bottles of Stella each and three little mini bottles of wine. And 2 tubs of pringles (the small ones, I hasten to add!).It was like an adventure!
The next day saw us in a Wild Bean Cafe (those food bits in the big BP stations), and then we arrived at Benfleet to do the traditional exchange of household goods (ie giving away things we don't want anymore to each other, although I always seem to be up on the deal!).
The day was lovely, as ever, but a long drive (4 hours in total) and work the next day beckoned, so we had to leave.
I did get back in time for Heartbeat though!
There was a very friendly warning sign in the Travel Lodge bathroom, which I thought informed you of danger in a very sweet way....